Services Offered
LoopTech currently has a combined experience level of over 200 years in the design, installation, maintenance and operation of GeoExchange closed loop systems. With over 40,000 loop installations, our team delivers comprehensive services with the utmost in quality. Our “real world” experience enables a professional and value engineered approach.
Let LoopTech apply decades of GeoExchange field experience on your next project. Whether your need is a budgetary quote or value engineered suggestions, LoopTech is good at saving our customers time and money. LoopTech designs, implements, and approves simple systems that are practical for field installation and energy savings.
Within the design phase of a GeoExchange project, LoopTech provides the necessary data via a TC test. This test provides an accurate measurement of the thermal-conductivity value of the existing soil conditions. The test involves drilling one bore and installing a loop and grout. A small pump and heater module are attached to the loop to circulate water for 48 hours. Data is collected from the run cycle and processed by engineers. LoopTech provides a professional detailed report to the client with all the pertinent data and graphs.
LoopTech has the latest in design software to layout a loop field exchanger or to check your existing design. Additionally, our team can design a balanced loop field via flow calculations. Our designs do not require expensive balancing valves which bring with them leak potential, purge issues, and the need to hire another company to adjust them. LoopTech is not just a company that drills holes!
From the exploration of the bore hole to project completion, LoopTech has experience in drilling in locations with a wide range of soil conditions. A drilling rig is used to drill bore holes into which the loop pipes are then installed. LoopTech has the capability to drill 600’ holes and install up to 1-1/4” loops. This allows the installation to be completed with a minimal amount of disruption to the existing site. LoopTech owns a variety of rigs to accommodate different drilling requirements.
Vertical loops are our specialty because they are often used for installations at large commercial or educational facility projects. Vertical loops run deep into the ground and are ideal for properties lacking large areas of land base. LoopTech has found that vertical loops are superior in long term performance when compared to most other exchanger types.
Grout is pumped into the bore holes of vertical loop systems to seal and provide a thermal conductive path. LoopTech has done extensive research into grout performance. Our team assisted a State agency to review and analyze grout test results over several years. This experience helps us focus on optimal grouting for every project.
Our experienced operators conduct the professional trenching necessary to optimize every project. Our turn-key, comprehensive project services employ state of the art machinery capable of trenching in even the tightest, most challenging sites.
The LoopTech team has designed, constructed and installed hundreds of manifold headers and systems. Our team supports any configuration and size. Headers include reverse returns, short headers and straight connections.
LoopTech partners with leading HDPE Vault manufacturers to custom design any vault. Poly Vaults provide extended life cycle performance as the “material of choice” for GeoExchange applications.

LoopTech installs supply and return HDPE lines. Typical sizes range from 2” to 12”; however, our team can install any size.
LoopTech connects the loop field to the interior piping of the mechanical system. Our team specializes in interior piping that uses HDPE. HDPE is superior when looking at costs. There is no insulation factor and no need for inhibitors because of rust. Our team also assists mechanical contractors with the design of interior layouts.
LoopTech uses Purge Rite to purge and flush our systems. At a recent ASHRAE presentation, it was stated that 8 out of 10 system failures are due to improper flushing and purging. LoopTech can confirm this from our field experience. Purge Rite is the only company that provides a “Certificate of Assurance”. Visit Purge Rite online at
Unlike other GeoExchange installation companies we offer an owner or service based monitoring system. Want to know the KWH of energy your geo system is using and other performance monitoring data? No problem! We can install and train your staff in the operation of this upgrade. We can even provide secure unit control from your iPhone!

LoopTech provides a standard five- year warranty on loop fields with longer term agreements available.

Are you concerned about the initial capital investment of GeoExchange? Let LoopTech evaluate your situation and see if our Performance Contracting team can help. This program allows your financed geo system to be paid for from realized energy savings.

Tax credit is now available for home and commercial building owners who install GeoExchange heating and cooling systems through the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 (H.R. 1424). H.R. 1424 offers a onetime tax credit of 30% of the total investment for homeowners who install residential ground loop or ground water GeoExchange heat pumps. A credit of 10% of the total investment is also available (no maximum) for a commercial system installation. There is more information online at

Do you have a system with problems? Unfortunately systems can be designed and/or installed incorrectly. LoopTech investigates these issues and stands ready to assist you in ensuring your GeoExchange system operates correctly.
Why LoopTech?
1Saves Time
30 years of experience and lessons learned applied to each project2Saves Money
Value engineering throughout project – our team uses internal, highly trained personnel and our own equipment to increase quality delivery and to reduce costs3Minimize Liablility & Hassle
Worked throughout US and Internationally4Lower Risk
Proven technology5Trust
Responsive and professional communicators on every project6Comfort Level
Assurance that your system meets the engineered design